
Virtual Live Hubs - Online Attendance Funded Places

Colleagues living and working in Bands 2-4 countries, can register for a FREE online place here.

See here for further information. 

Please note: Grants and scholarships through IIC's Brommelle Fund and Opportunities Fund are now closed. 


UTEC Heritage Scholarships

Thanks to the support of generous donors who share our commitment to preserving heritage in Peru, we're pleased to introduce the UTEC Heritage Scholarship. This scholarship will cover registration costs for up to 15 participants at the 30th Congress of the International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works - IIC, taking place in September 2024 at the Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología - UTEC in Lima, Perú.

The scholarship is intended for Peruvian university and technological institute students pursuing studies in conservation, as well as professionals engaged in heritage preservation or restoration activities within public or private institutions in Peru for over four years.

Applications should be emailed to with the subject line "UTEC HERITAGE SCHOLARSHIP" by May 31, 2024, at 23:59 hours.

For more information follow this link: 


Announcement of scholarship recipients will occur by the end of June.