IIC has the following membership categories:
- Fellows
- Retired Fellows
- Pathway to Fellowship
- Individual members
- Retired individual members
- Early Career members
- Students
- Small organisations and private studios (up to 4 members of staff)
- Institutions and organizations (more than 5 members of staff)
Discount by Location
Student, Early Career, Individual Members and Fellows who live and work in countries where salaries are substantially less than those in, for example, Western Europe and North America, will be offered a discount based on the categories of per capita income used by UNESCO and the International Council of Museums (ICOM). Membership fees will be unchanged for those in countries within band 1.
- there will be a 25% discount for band 2 countries;
- a 50% discount for those from band 3;
- a 75% discount for those from band 4 nations.
A full list of countries and their bands can be found below. The discount will be calculated automatically, based on the address supplied to IIC. This address must be set in your account page before purchasing a new membership.

IIC Banding map: High income = band 1; Upper-middle-income = band 2; Lower-middle income = band 3; Low income = band 4. Base map from https://ourworldindata.org/economic-growth.
Membership of other organisations
Fellows, Individual Members, Early Career and Student members of IIC who are also members of IIC Regional Groups and certain national conservation bodies can receive a 10% discount on IIC membership. A full list of these organisations is available here:
- IIC Austrian Group/Österreichische Sektion IIC
- IIC Croatian Group/IIC Hrvatska grupa
- IIC French Group/Section Française de l'IIC (SFIIC)
- IIC Hellenic Group
- IIC Italian Group/Gruppo Italiano dell'IIC (IGIIC)
- IIC Japan
- IIC Malta
- IIC Nordic Group/Nordiska Konservatorförbund (NKF)
- IIC Nordic Group Denmark/Nordisk Konservatorforbund Danmark (NKF-dk)
- IIC Nordic Group Finland/Pohjoismainen Konservaattoriliitton Soumen osasto ry (NKF-F)
- IIC Nordic Group Iceland/Félag Norrænna forvarða – Ísland (NKF-IS)
- IIC Nordic Group Norway/Nordisk Konservatorforbund Norge (NKF-N)
- IIC Nordic Group Sweden/Nordiska Konservatorförbundet Sverige (NKF-S)
- IIC Spanish Group/Grupo Español del IIC (GEIIC)
- New Zealand Conservators of Cultural Materials (NZCCM)
- Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material (AICCM)
- Restauratoren Nederland (RN)
You can select the organisations that you are a member of in your account page (under other organisations). This needs to be done before purchasing a new membership for the discount to be applied. The discount is applied automatically when you join or renew your IIC membership.