
President Julian Bickersteth (International Conservation Services Pty Ltd, AU)

President Emeritus Sarah Staniforth (National Trust (ret'd)), UK

Deputy President Juergen Vervoorst (National Archives),UK

Vice-Presidents Austin Nevin (The Courtauld Institute of Art, UK) Deceased and Sandra Smith (British Museum, UK)

Secretary-General Jane Henderson (Cardiff University, UK)

Treasurer James Brooke Turner (UK)

Director, Chair of Publications Committee Joyce Townsend (Tate, UK)

Director, Chair of Congress Tom Learner (Getty Conservation Institute, US)

Director, Chair of Emerging Professionals Committee  VACANT

Director, Legal and Compliance Helen Griffiths (UK)

Director, Chair of Fellowships David Saunders (Honorary Research Fellow, UK)

Director, Chair of Professional Development and Standards Rachel Rivenc (Getty Research Institute, US)

Director, Communications Mariana Escamilla Martínez (Studio Redivivus, NL) 

Director, in charge of Awards and Grants Committee Duygu Camurcuoglu (British Museum, UK)

Directors and Ordinary Members of Council Duygu Camurcuoglu (British Museum, UK), Meaghan Monaghan (Art Gallery of Ontario, CA); Luiz Souza (School of Fine Arts Federal University of Minas Gerais, BR)

Honorary Member of Council Jirong Song (Palace Museum, Beijing, China)


* To note: descriptions for Council roles can be downloaded at the footer of this web page.



Talent and Participation Committee - Chair, Jane Henderson
Finance Committee - Chair, James Brooke Turner
Fellowships Committee - Chair, David Saunders
Awards and Grants Committee - Chair, Duygu Camurcuoglu
Emerging Professionals Committee - Interim Chair - Meaghan Monaghan


IIC Office & Secretariat 

Executive Director Sarah Stannage (IIC, UK)

Head of Finance Louise Rowe (IIC, UK)

Fellowship and Membership Engagement Manager  Ellie Sweetnam (IIC, UK)

Regional Programme Manager Marina Herriges (IIC, BR & UK)



Communications Team

Director of Communications Mariana Escamilla Martínez (Studio Redivivus, NL)

Editor of News in Conservation Sharra Grow (IIC, US)

Social Media Editor 

Angelica Isa (IIC, Canada & Peru)


Social Media Coordinators

Mariana Escamilla Martínez (Studio Redivivus, NL)

Mariana Onofri (Brazil)


LinkedIn Coordinator

Sagita Mirjam Sunara (Arts Academy of the University of Split, HR)




S&ECC Co-ordinator

Mariana Escamilla Martínez (Studio Redivivus, NL) and Charlotte Hoffman (Cologne, DE)

Mariana Onofri (Brazil)

Book Reviews Editor and Book Club Coordinator

Alexandra Taylor (Studio Redivivus, NL) and Will Shank (Spain & US)

Associate Editor Reframing Conservation through Sustainability News in Conservation Marina Herriges (IIC, BR & UK)




Editor-in-Chief, Studies in Conservation Chandra L. Reedy (University of Delaware, US), Editor-in-Chief

Editorial Board

Jocelyn Alcántara-Garcia, University of Delaware (USA)
Greg Bailey, The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore (USA)
Łukasz Bratasz, Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
Irene Brückle, State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart (Germany)
Aviva Burnstock, Courtauld Institute of Art (UK)
Francesca Casadio, Art Institute of Chicago (USA)
Rui Chen, Institute for Preservation of Cultural Heritage, Yale University (USA)
Andrea Fischer, Objects Conservation Programme Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design, Stuttgart (Germany)
Claire Gerhard, CHG Art Conservation Services (USA )
Stavroula Golfomitsou, University of Gothenburg (Sweden)
Mona Hess, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg (Germany)
Paul Himmelstein, Appelbaum & Himmelstein, New York (USA)
Julio M. del Hoyo-Meléndez, The National Museum in Krakow (Poland)
Kate Hudson-McAulay, North Somerset Council (UK)
Martin Jürgens, Rijksmuseum (The Netherlands)
Narayan Khandekar, Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge, MA (USA)
Stephen P. Koob, Corning Museum of Glass (Retired) (USA)
Barbara Lubelli, Delft Uinversity of Technology (The Netherlands)
Naomi Luxford, English Heritage, London (UK)
Domenico Miriello, Università della Calabria (Italy)
Austin Nevin, The Courtauld Institute of Art (UK)
Satish Pandey, National Museums Institute (India)
Alice Paterakis, Japanese Institute of Anatolian Archaeology (Turkey)
Aaron N. Shugar, Buffalo State College, New York (USA)
Catherine Smith, University of Otago, Dunedin (New Zealand)
Jirong Song, Palace Museum, Beijing (China)
Sarah Staniforth, IIC London (UK)
Noelle L.W. Streeton, University of Oslo (Norway)
Matija Strlič, University College London (UK)
Ken Sutherland, The Art Institute of Chicago (USA)
Zhanyun Zhu, Conservation Science Laboratory, Xiamen University (China)