Studies in Conservation
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Studies in Conservation is the premier international peer-reviewed journal for the conservation of historic and artistic works. The intended readership includes the conservation professional in the broadest sense of the term: practising conservators of all types of object, conservation, heritage and museum scientists, collection or conservation managers, teachers and students of conservation, and academic researchers in the subject areas of arts, archaeology, the built heritage, materials history, art technological research and material culture.
Studies in Conservation publishes original work on a range of subjects including, but not limited to:
• examination methods for works of art,
• new research in the analysis of artistic materials,
• mechanisms of deterioration,
• advances in conservation practice,
• novel methods of treatment,
• conservation issues in display and storage,
• preventive conservation,
• issues of collection care, conservation history and ethics; and
• the history of materials and technological processes.
For more detailed information on the preparation of manuscripts and the submission procedure, potential authors are referred to Instructions for Authors, on our Writing for IIC page.
ISSN number
The ISSN for Studies in Conservation is ISSN 0039-3630 (print) and ISSN 2047-0584 (online).
Reproducing papers and content published in Studies in Conservation
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Reviews in Conservation
IIC’s Reviews in Conservation was incorporated into Studies in Conservation in 2011, so longer review articles now fall within the scope of the journal and are encouraged. Articles from all ten volumes of Reviews in Conservation dating back to 2000, are free to download by IIC members through Taylor & Francis Online, where each volume of Reviews in Conservation can be accessed as a supplement to the journal under its year of publication.
Essay Prize for new authors in SiC
A new prize has been launched for conservators and heritage professionals who have a first paper published in Studies in Conservation (SiC). The competition will run for a year from July 2019. During this time, all major papers accepted by Studies in Conservation will be considered for the prize if the lead author is being published in that journal for the first time.