IIC Regional Groups

There are a number of independent associations affiliated to IIC located around the world, supporting the particular needs of the conservation community in the countries concerned. Over the years, various IIC Regional Groups, who are independent to IIC, have developed along different lines with many becoming national bodies. Regional Groups represent the interests and concerns of their membership and do not speak for or on behalf of IIC or its members.

The first Groups were those in the United Kingdom (formerly UK-IIC which became Icon) and the United States of America (formerly the American Group-IIC, which became AIC, the American Institute for Conservation).

There are currently nine IIC Regional Groups in the Nordic region (the Nordisk Konservatorforbund: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden), Austria, Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Japan, Malta and Spain.

Each IIC Regional Group is required to adhere to the aims and objectives of the Institute as expressed in our Memorandum of Association, and agreed upon through a Memorandum of Understanding; its by-laws must be approved by the IIC Council; its officers must be members of IIC. There is no obligation for IIC members to join a Regional Group in the country where they may be living or working, however, members of IIC Regional Groups receive a 10% discount on IIC membership subscription fees and are welcome to join our global community.

As a result of our Regional Groups, our combined international reach extends to nearly 7,000 conservators and conservation professionals. Globally, we recognise a further 20 national-level bodies that are not formally affiliated with IIC; a full list is available here.  Expressions of interest for new Regional Groups or professional organisations/ national level bodies to become affiliated to IIC can be submitted at any time to the IIC Office, iic@iiconservation.org, and will be considered by the Council.

For further information about our support for Regional Programmes, please contact Marina Herriges marina.herriges@iiconservation.org, Regional Programme Manager.

Regional groups

Get in touch with Regional Groups


Chair: Dipl.-Rest. Franka Bindernagel

Contact email: iic.oesterreich@gmail.com or office@iic-austria.org

Instagram @iic_austria



President: Žana Matulić Bilač
Vice President: Mirta Pavić
Secretary: Jelena Zagora
Treasurer: Tijana-Annar Trputec Strčić

Contact email:  iic.croatia@gmail.com 
Postal address: IIC - Hrvatska grupa, Rooseveltova 23, 21000 Split, Croatia

Instagram @iichrvatskagrupa
X @iic_cro



President: Mireille Klein
Treasurer: Carolina Hall
Secretary: Emmanuel Maurin

Contact email: contact@sfiic.com
Postal address (Secretariat): 29 rue de Paris, 77420 Champs sur Marne, France



President: Konstantinos Choulis
Vice-president: Alexis Stefanis
Secretary-general: Dora Papathanasiou
Treasurer: Roula Rapti
Council members: Katerina Malea, Anita Moraitou and Charis Theodorakopoulos

Contact email: kchoulis@otenet.gr
Postal address (Secretariat): PO Box 27031, 117 02 Athens, Greece



Chair: Lorenzo Appolonia
Elena Spoldi, Daniela Rullo 

Contact email: info@igiic.org
Postal address (Secretariat): Villa Rey, Strada Val Martino Superiore 27, 10132 Torino, Italy

Instagram @italiangroupiic


This group is currently in transition to being dissolved.

Interim Contact: Naoko Sonoda sonoda@idc.minpaku.ac.jp or Chie Sano, National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo, 13-43 Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-8713, Japan 


MAPCoRE - The Malta Association of Professional Conservator-Restorers 

Chair: James Licary
Contact email: gaja05@gmail.com

Executive Committee

The Nordic Association of Conservators


Chair 2025-2028: Stina Ekelund Erlandsen 
Contact email: stina@ekelunderlandsen.com


IIC Nordic Group Denmark/Nordisk Konservatorforbund Danmark (NKF-dk)


Contact email: formand@nkf-dk.dk / Postmaster@nkf-dk.dk NKF-DK, c/o Camilla Jul Bastholm Gade 11, 4. th, DK 2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark

Chair: Pernille Holm Mogensen
Vice Chair: Louise Preene
Treasurer: Eva Gudmundsdottir

Instagram @nkfdk

IIC Nordic Group Finland/Pohjoismainen Konservaattoriliitton Soumen osasto ry (NKF-F)


Chair: Karoliina Hämäläinen kh.konservointi@gmail.com

Postal address: NKF-F, Pohjoismaisen konservaattoriliiton Suomen osasto ry, Annankatu 16 B 50, 00120 HELSINKI, Finland

Instagram @konservaattoriliitto 

IIC Nordic Group Iceland/Félag Norrænna forvarða – Ísland (NKF-IS)

Chair: Ingibjörg Áskelsdóttir. Contact: ingibjorg.askelsdottir@reykjavik.is

Contact email: nkf.island@gmail.com  

IIC Nordic Group Norway/Nordisk Konservatorforbund Norge (NKF-N)


Contact email:  styreleder@nkf-n.no
Postal address: NKF-N, PB 2008 Grunerlokka, 0505 Oslo, Norway

Instagram @nkf.norge

IIC Nordic Group Sweden/Nordiska Konservatorförbundet Sverige (NKF-S)

Chair: Lisa Swedberg.


Contact email: kontakt@nkf-s.se
Postal address: NKF-S, SE-Box 3071, 103 61 Stockholm, Sweden

X @NKF_Sverige


President: Cristina Picasso de Castro
Contact:  presidente@ge-iic.org
Vice-president: Carmen Ahedo Pino
Secretary: Regina Zurdo Menéndez
Treasurer: Eva Martínez
Council members: Pablo Ruiz, Eva González González, Julia Betancor, Cristina Giménez, Nuria Fuentes, María Higueras, Ignacio Bermeja, Paula Ercilla, Sandra Vazquez, María López Rey, Mercedes Molina, Carlos González Juste, Rosina Herrera, Teresa Frutos Romero

 Contact email: secretaria@ge-iic.org
Postal address (Secretariat): IPHE, C/ Greco 4, 28040 Madrid, Spain

Instagram @geiic_ @geiiccontempynm @geiicconservaressostener @geiic_arteurbano @ge_iic_arqueoconciencia
X @GE_IIC @GrupoADyD_Geiic