Point of the Matter Dialogues

About our Point of the Matter Dialogues

IIC dialogues explore emerging issues in the modern world and the relationship of those issues to the preservation of cultural heritage. Each event benefits from a variety of expertise, in a broad spectrum of disciplines, contributing unique perspectives on a specific topic.

IIC Wellington Congress: Kōrerorero: Conversations that Matter

Our Point of the Matter Dialogue is Kōrerorero: Conversations that Matter, with Māori conservators in conversation on topics such as working with taonga, carrying māturanga overseas, the impact of historic trauma, ethical responsibilities to community, what you don’t learn at university and the blockages that there can be in the profession. This dialogue took place on Wednesday 7 September 2022, as part of the IIC Wellington Congress 2022, the recording is available to view on the IIC Congress platform.

IIC Climate Dialogues:

Climate Action and Covid: What is the Heritage Impact?

The speed with which governments have responded to the COVID pandemic shows how an existential threat to humanity such as climate change could be dealt with. But in the short term, what are the effects of the pandemic on heritage? The significant reduction in air pollution is helping preserve historic building fabric, the massive downturn in tourism is allowing a re-assessment of sustainable visitor numbers for heritage sites, and the need for couriers to travel in person rather than virtually for block-buster exhibitions is being questioned.

Meanwhile, the supercharged use of digital platforms is providing massive opportunities for access to a wider audience online. But what happens next as world economies seek to recover, and what can be the role of the arts, culture and heritage in driving climate action? This Dialogue, organised in collaboration with Historic Environment Scotland, as part of IIC's 2020 Edinburgh Congress explored these crucial questions. 

The panel was chaired by Dr Ewan Hyslop, Historic Environment Scotland. The speakers were:

Keith Jones - National Specialist for Climate Change, National Trust and Founder, Fit for the Future Network

Lisa Westcott Wilkins, DigVentures

Amanda Pagliarino, Head of Conservation and Registration, Queensland Art Gallery


Heritage at Risk - A Dialogue on the Effects of Climate Change  

The IIC Point of the Matter Dialogue was hosted as part of the Stemming the Tide: Global Strategies for Sustaining Cultural Heritage Through Climate Change symposium at the Smithsonian, Washington, D.C, on Friday 6th March 2020.  

"Watch Parties" were hosted for the recorded live streams throughout 2020 on Facebook and can be viewed online.

The programme was organised by the IIC in partnership with the Americal Institute for Conservation in collaboration with ICOMOS, the Smithsonian American Art Museum, the Smithsonian National Collection Program, and Earth Optimism.

 IIC Turin Congress Dialogue: Culture Cannot Wait

Our Point of the Matter Dialogue, "Culture Cannot Wait: Integrating  Cultural Heritage First Aid with Humanitarian Assistance in Crises”was delivered at our Turin Congress in September 2018.

Watch the whole film below.


Past IIC Dialogues

Viral Images: Exploring the historic and conservation challenges of objects created for social protest and solidarity

The Future of Heritage Science (20th January 2015)

Protecting, Preparing and Responding: the International Committee of the Blue Shield

Not your grandmother's chair

Rising Tide/Melting Ice: The preservation of world archaeological heritage in a time of climate change - an on-line dialogue

Under Lock and Key? Collection readiness and response in times of conflict

Between Home and History: Managing the interface between preservation and development of living historic places

The Plus/Minus Dilemma: The Way Forward in Environmental Guidelines

Conservation in Crisis

Before the Unthinkable Happens Again

Climate Change and Museum Collections


Do you have ideas for new events in this series?

We are always looking for new themes, ideas and speakers. If you would like to see an idea or topic explored please let us know at iic@iiconservation.org