Obituary: Giorgio Torraca

Photograph of Giorgio Toracca

None of us are untouched by the loss of Giorgio Torraca, one of the most generous, enthusiastic, and productive members of the  preservation community. His contributions are legion and directly or indirectly he was a mentor to all who work toward the conservation of world heritage. The listing of his achievements will be made many times in the coming years. Here however the IIC offers a different kind of tribute, one that reflects his commitment, humor and wisdom, in his own words. In May of this year, 2010, I asked Dr. Torraca to contribute his thoughts on the field of Heritage Conservation, past, present and future. The project was meant to encourage a dialogue between those who have given so much to the profession over their long years of service and those who have just entered the field. But what his words offer is, like Giorgio Torraca himself, a gift to all of us.