Museum Community Officer / Swyddog Cymunedol yr Amgueddfa

Job Summary

Contract Type
£26844 - £26844
Closing date

Job Details

We have an exciting opportunity for someone who has a passion for heritage and culture, and the ability to bring the past alive for learners of all ages. An enthusiasm for museums, learning and working with people of all ages will underpin your work.

The successful candidate will be responsible for developing and delivering multi-platform informal programmes based on the Cyfarthfa Castle Museums collection. You would develop, plan and deliver innovative and creative learning programmes and resources to a wide range of life -long learning users, as well as liaising with the wider museum team to interpret the Museum Service’s collection and attract new users.

All applicants are being asked to submit a CV with accompanying covering letter, along with a completed Equalities Monitoring Form which they can obtain from p&

Mae gennym gyfle cyffrous i rywun sydd ag angerdd am dreftadaeth a diwylliant, a’r gallu i ddod â’r gorffennol yn fyw i ddysgwyr o bob oed. Bydd brwdfrydedd dros amgueddfeydd, dysgu a gweithio gyda phobl o bob oed yn sail i'ch gwaith.

Bydd yr ymgeisydd llwyddiannus yn gyfrifol am ddatblygu a chyflwyno rhaglenni anffurfiol aml-lwyfan yn seiliedig ar gasgliad Amgueddfeydd Castell Cyfarthfa. Byddech yn datblygu, cynllunio a chyflwyno rhaglenni ac adnoddau dysgu arloesol a chreadigol i ystod eang o ddefnyddwyr dysgu gydol oes, yn ogystal â chysylltu â thîm ehangach yr amgueddfa i ddehongli casgliad y Gwasanaeth Amgueddfeydd a denu defnyddwyr newydd.

Gofynnir i bob ymgeisydd gyflwyno CV gyda llythyr eglurhaol, ynghyd â Ffurflen Monitro Cydraddoldeb wedi'i chwblhau y gallant ei chael oddi wrth p&

Please see the website for more details: