News in Conservation, October 2010
In this issue, Rachel Armstrong introduces metabolic materials and explores their potential for conservation.
Author: IIC
Year of
News in Conservation, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works,
In this issue, Rachel Armstrong introduces metabolic materials and explores their potential for conservation. This is a fascinating topic combining issues of sustainability and cutting-edge technologies. While real application of these materials to conservation may be a way off, this article provides a glimpse into the future and provides food for thought on the ways professional practice may change. Eighteen months after the collapse of the Historical Archives of Cologne, Georgia Iona provides an update on the progress of the recovery efforts and on the scale of work yet to be done. This very positive report describes the intense work already undertaken and the vision for the future for the Archives.
After the very successful IIC Congress in Istanbul in September, October's News in Conservation reports on the Congress, including a report on the Civic Involvement Projects, run by Turkey's Sabancı University, some of which aim to raise awareness of cultural heritage and its preservation.