News in Conservation, June 2015
At the time of going to press you may have already seen the announcement for the IIC Student & Emerging Professional Conference, nevertheless I’m very excited to break the news to the ones among you that had not yet learned the news. The third offering will be held in Warsaw, Poland hosted by the Academy of Fine Arts and will focus on making the transition. More details including booking information will come soon, watch this space.
Author: IIC
Year of
News in Conservation, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works,
Welcome to the June edition of News in Conservation.
At the time of going to press you may have already seen the announcement for the IIC Student & Emerging Professional Conference, nevertheless I’m very excited to break the news to the ones among you that had not yet learned the news. The third offering will be held in Warsaw, Poland hosted by the Academy of Fine Arts and will focus on making the transition. More details including booking information will come soon, watch this space.
In this issue we look at international co-operations with a report from the first Indo-Austrian Summer School in Vienna, a project designed to provide Indian students with hands-on experience in conservation methods and museology in Austria.
An interesting case study is presented by Vivian Yip – Vivian talks about the conservation of prints with sensitive media using an adapted Chinese method to employ gellan gum. She presented a poster about this project at the IIC Honk Kong Congress in 2014.
Sagita Sunara’s article takes us to Croatia where we learn about the history of an artist’s colony/sculpture park located in an area that previously hosted the biggest ironworks company in the region. Her article describes a conservation project to save this important piece of heritage and introduces to a forthcoming conference that will discuss the project in details.
Last thing from me – the membership renewal date is fast approaching, don’t forget to renew here
Barbara Borghese