News in Conservation, Issue 65 April 2018
Welcome to the April issue of NiC, my last as editor of this beloved publication!
Author: IIC
Year of
News in Conservation, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works,
Welcome to the April issue of NiC, my last as editor of this beloved publication! In the last six years NiC has changed, moving from a printed format to a digital one with all the challenges that the move implied. NiC has also changed skin a few times, with the latest look reflecting IIC’s new brand identity and I feel fortunate to have been the editor overseeing most of these transformations. I will leave the publication in very capable hands – Sharra Grow has in fact being part of the IIC family as a volunteer helping to set up IIC’s LinkedIn group and being involved with the work of the digital media team.
As you would have guessed from the front-page titles, this issue is very much focussed on modern and contemporary art conservation. NiC’s very own book editor Will Shank and Antonio Rava treated us with a fantastic article on the conservation of a Keith Haring mural at the Hopital Necker des Enfants Malades in Paris. Their work has been extensively featured in the international press and I feel very lucky to be able to present here their account of the project. Very much a parting gift… Thanks Will!
Another great account comes from Sophie Sarkodie, conservator at Tate, talking about the importance of dialogue with artists when conserving contemporary art.
One last thing - registration is now open for the IIC Turin Congress and the early birds rate is available for a limited time; I suggest you register as soon as you finish read this issue of NiC !
Arrivederci a presto!
Barbara Borghese