News in Conservation, February 2017
Welcome to the February edition of News in Conservation.
Author: IIC
Year of
News in Conservation, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works,
Welcome to the February edition of News in Conservation.
The big news is that NiC is changing skin and this is the last ever issue sporting the current look; from April 2017, NiC will adopt a new image to unify under a common branding all IIC’s publications and the website. To learn more about the changes all you need to do is to read IIC’s President Sarah Staniforth’s column, where all will be explained. Rest assured though – we are changing NiC’s look but the spirit of the publication remains the same as ever!
In this issue, conservator Sharra Grow takes us to Peru and talks about her recent experience teaching contemporary art in the country. Following on, we move to Europe and specifically to the beautiful island of Lopud in Croatia where for the past ten years, the International Trust for Croatian Monuments has been supporting the International Conservation Workshop.
Last November the IIC-ITTC Workshop on non-destructive analysis techniques took place in the city of Hong Kong and Christina Margariti, a conservator from Greece, not only took part but also wrote an in-depth review of the workshop to let us know how it went.
From the President’s Desk is NiC’s brand new column. Written by the IIC’s president, it is aimed at giving members more information about the Institute’s activities and future plans.
Happy reading!
Barbara Borghese