Creating a Legacy
From the moment IIC was created it was uniquely placed in the world and it still is. Our objectives are just as relevant today as they were 70 years ago. We are here to advance knowledge, professional practice and standards for the preservation and conservation of historic and artistic works for the common good. We achieve this by supporting conservators, conservation scientists, art historians, curators and collections managers to care for some of the most important museum collections, heritage sites, artworks and historical artefacts on the planet.
When it comes time to consider a lasting legacy don’t just think about a gift… think about making a difference. Think about IIC.
Use the online contact form to get in touch or download and fill in the attached form at the bottom of this page. Below are some examples of what a legacy could achieve.
Opportunities Fund supporting conservation around the world
The Department of Conservation at the National Academy of Arts in Sofia has been given 2 years membership so that the students can increase their professionalism through working with IIC. Currently 12 institutions are being supported. There are more institutions with similar needs, but there is not the cash to pay for all those who would benefit. The Opportunities Fund needs a major injection to ensure its long term success.
£25,000 would make a significant contribution to our IIC Opportunities Fund, supporting conservation in countries with emerging economies and to help make opprotunities for working in conservation more equitable for all.
Students are the seed corn for conservation
Student conferences, student poster sessions and students at our congresses are being supported by IIC funds are in high demand internationally. The innovative Brommelle Memorial Fund needs constant support for the up and coming conservators. £720 will fund support grants for students and early career professionals attending IIC’s biennial congress.
Debate – Where do we go next?
Our IIC Point of the Matter Dialogues are vigorous public debates addressing pressing issues in heritage conservation. £10,000 helps IIC deliver engaging programmes, such as our IIC Point of the Matter Dialogues that promote public outreach and debate on issues that are relevant to the sector.
Publishing the best, forward looking, papers
Conservation advances best when the best knowledge is made widely available, one of IIC’s core aims. Publication which goes beyond the well established has required support in the past and will continue to need it in the future. IIC will need additional funding to extend its publication reach, both in topic and geographically.
£5,500 will cover the costs of a themed issue of Studies in Conservation or promote a number of Open Access articles available to conservators and cultural heriatge professionals around the world.