IIC Professional Development Seminar No. 1: Copyright for Conservation Professionals
This is the first of IIC’s Professional Development Seminars, designed to provide freely accessible online resources for mid-career conservation and related professionals, on topics not covered in all international conservation programmes. Unfortunately a recording of the session is not available but a full transcript can be found below.
“Copyright for Conservators”
Date: 7th March 2016
Time: 2.00 pm GMT
Duration: 1½ hours
Location: London and Online
This is the first of IIC’s Professional Development Seminars, designed to provide freely accessible online resources for mid-career conservation and related professionals, on topics not covered in all international conservation programmes. The event was organised by Joyce Townsend, Jo Kirby Atkinson and Clare Finn, all of IIC.
The event had the format of an IIC roundtable discussion: four speakers spoke on different aspects of copyright, followed by a discussion. The questions and comments from the audience will address areas of concern and uncertainty for authors submitting to publications, those offering news items for websites, and those who propose databases and/or knowledge sharing initiatives though the website or social media.
Four speakers gave short talks, one presented by Skype from Los Angeles, USA, followed by an extensive discussion session, chaired by IIC’s Director of Publications, Joyce Townsend, with input from almost all of the 50-strong audience. The speakers have all provided summaries, aided by notes taken by IIC Secretary-General Jo Kirby Atkinson.
We thank Bernard Horrocks for permission to include his text ‘©opybites’, which appears as an Appendix to the transcript of this seminar.