IIC President Addresses the G20 on Climate Crisis and Culture - Watch the Recording
Read more here In its position as the current President of the G20, the Italian Government hosted a webinar on 12th April on addressing climate change through culture, in the lead-up to COP26 in Glasgow later this year.
The live event has finished but you can watch the recording for PRIORITY 2: ADDRESSING THE CLIMATE CRISIS THROUGH CULTURE online here.
We are delighted that our President, Julian Bickersteth was able to give a voice to the concerns of the profession to an audience of G20 representatives keen to organise high-level action.
Julian highlighted how the conservators are already on the front lines of dealing with the impact of climate change on cultural heritage. He discussed what we are already seeing: sometimes this is damage from extreme weather events, such as cyclones and floods swamping collections, or losses through coastal erosion. But it's also more gradual effects, such as rising temperatures encouraging larger insect populations and high humidity promoting mould growth. All of this is compounded by global inequalities.
You can also find out more about IIC's wider Sustainability and Climate Action Community Challenge #TogetherWeMakeTheFuture and how to join IIC Fellows and members making change happen globally.