About News in Conservation
Published six times a year, News in Conservation provides a platform for the wider conservation community to share the latest research, interviews and reviews; to promote new events, products and opportunities, and to call for papers, ideas and involvement. NiC also provides updates from the IIC Council, IIC Fellows and Members as well as IIC Regional groups.
Get connected! Download the most recent NiC here: https://www.iiconservation.org/
All past NiC issues are archived and available for download here: https://www.iiconservation.org/publications/nic
Guidelines for editorial submissions
News in Conservation welcomes submissions on topics including, but not limited to, conservation projects, research, reviews, debates and opinions, letters to the Editor, and anecdotes.
Material which is malicious, libellous or deliberately misleading, or which plagiarises other work, or brings the IIC into disrepute, will not be considered for publication. The Editor reserves the right to amend or reject completely articles which are held to be damaging in tone or content, or which single out an individual or group of people for attack.
The content of submitted articles must adhere to the ICOM-CC Definition of the Profession and the ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums.
The author is solely responsible for the factual accuracy of all submitted text. The following statement is published in every issue of NiC:
Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy, sufficiency and completeness of the information contained in this publication, neither the IIC nor its Editors shall be liable to any party for any loss and/or damage arising from (i) any errors or omissions in such information and (ii) the use of, or reliance on, any method, product, instructions or ideas in this publication, in each case to the fullest extent permitted by law. The opinions stated in individual articles belong to the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the IIC, its officers or Council. Information contained in this publication is strictly for educational purposes and aims to provide helpful information on the topics discussed. Any information relating to a product, method or treatment is not meant to be, nor should it be taken to be, an endorsement of such product, method or treatment.
Submissions should be written in English. Both UK and US spelling are acceptable but should be consistent within a single article. Authors using UK English should refer to the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. Authors using US English should refer to the Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary. NiC is intended to be a less formal platform than other more academic IIC publications such as Studies in Conservation. The language in NiC should be straightforward and conversational. All articles are edited for style including spelling, grammar, and other changes as deemed appropriate. Authors must acknowledge that the Editor has the final word on content and tone.
Permissions and copyright
The author is responsible for obtaining proper permissions for the reproduction of all material protected by copyright. Materials may include, but are not limited to, images, tables, illustrations, video and extracts from published sources of text. Proof of permission as well as any credit line required by the copyright holder(s) or image source are required before publication. News in Conservation permission forms for text and image submissions can be found at the bottom of this page.
Feature Articles
Long: 1000 to 1500 words, 3 to 4 images, byline
Mid: 600 to 1000 words, 2 to 3 images, byline
Short: 300 to 600 words, 1 to 2 images, byline
Recent news events from around the globe relating to the preservation of cultural heritage. These may include but are not limited to projects, research, debates and opinions, letters to the Editor, anecdotes, and interviews.
News in Brief
150 to 300 words, up to 1 image
Recent news events from around the globe relating to the preservation of cultural heritage. These may include but are not limited to projects, research, awards, special announcements or achievements, and global events affecting the preservation of cultural heritage.
Book Reviews
600 to 1000 words, byline
The type of books to be reviewed may address a wide range of topics of general interest to the conservation field or of limited interest to a particular conservation speciality. They should have been published relatively recently.
The review should give readers an engaging, informative, and critical discussion of the work. Specific formal requirements will be given to the reviewer, Will Shank, the Book Review Editor. The expectation is that the book will be read and a review submitted within three months of the reviewer’s receipt of the volume.
Submit book review suggestions for the attention of Will Shank, willshank@earthlink.net
Event Reviews
600 to 1000 words, 2 to 3 images, byline
Overview of a conference, seminar, symposium, course or workshop, etc. attended by the author within the last 6 months.
Calls for Papers
Event Name
Deadline for submissions
Web address for more information
Conferences, Seminars, Symposiums/Courses, Workshops
Event Name
Deadline for registration
Web address for more information
As an increasingly dynamic and interactive global platform, News in Conservation is the ideal publication for those wishing to make their presence felt in national and international conservation arenas, enabling the promotion of products and services to purchasers and key decision-makers on a global level.
To see the NiC Rate Card, you can download the PDF file at the bottom of this page, or email Sharra Grow at news@iiconservation.org for more information on sizes, deadlines, rates, and packages.
A short (approximately 40 words) biography of the author is required for feature articles and reviews. A small portrait-style image of the author must also be included. This will appear at the bottom of the article.
All images must be sent as separate files. Acceptable formats include TIFF (.tif, .tiff), JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg), PNG (.png) or GIF (.gif). Photographs should preferably be sent as TIFF or JPEG files, while line drawings and diagrams may sent as GIF or PNG files. All images should be supplied at a minimum resolution of 300dpi and should be at least 80mm wide. Do not compress images.
Please supply a short caption for each image. This caption should briefly describe the image and should also provide proper copyright and credit information. The author is responsible for obtaining proper permissions and rights to reproduce any images supplied for publication in News in Conservation and affiliated IIC web content. NiC Editor will provide copyright usage and ownership permission forms.
Submissions (including text, images, copyright permissions, and byline) received after the editorial deadline for an issue may not be considered for that issue.
1 July Editorial deadline for August issue
1 September Editorial deadline for October issue
1 November Editorial deadline for December issue
1 January Editorial deadline for February issue
1 March Editorial deadline for April issue
1 May Editorial deadline for June issue
Articles and images must be submitted by the stated deadlines as electronic files to News in Conservation Editor, Sharra Grow at news@iiconservation.org. Please contact the Editor with any questions pertaining to submission content, deadlines, permissions, etc.
Please ensure that you have sent all material relating to your article to the Editor by the editorial deadline for the issue in which you hope to publish. The short production schedule may not allow time for authors’ proofs. Articles (including text and images) may be edited due to space restrictions or content extending beyond the prescribed word limit. Publication of an article may be postponed due to space restrictions, late or incomplete submissions, or priority given to breaking news and more time-sensitive items.