Joint Commitment to Climate Action in Cultural Heritage Conservation

The Joint Commitment for Climate Action is a global initiative that unites three of the leading international bodies (IIC, ICOM-CC and ICCROM) within the conservation sector for cultural heritage. 

You can find out all about the announcement and watch the launch video here

Our path to net zero

IIC’s overarching aim as an organisation is to minimise its carbon footprint as far as practicably possible. We have set 2030 as a deadline for Scope 1 and 2 emissions with Scope 3 emissions for 2050 - this feels like a long target, however, IIC will seek to eliminate or reduce emissions as soon as possible.

Baseline reporting

We are pleased to be able to report on our carbon use for financial year 2021 / 22 –  will be our baseline year.  For this first we  calculated staff and contractor home working energy use as well as carbon emissions associated with the website. A carbon impact assessment will be included in the full year report to cover the office move, online events, and publications. Where calculations are based on assumptions these are clearly indicated.

We will report on our annual emissions as part of our Annual Review and publish the calculations and assessment to this page.