History and Archives in Practice Annual Event 2025

Working with Memory: History, Storytelling and Practices of Remembrance

Where: Senate House, University of London

When: Wednesday 5 March 2025

In 2025, people around the world will reflect on 80 years since the end of World War II, remembering this pivotal moment in global history and commemorating the lives lost during the conflict. Those of us working with history and collections - archivists, historians, researchers, and practitioners - think with memory on a daily basis. However, memory itself is an elusive and plural concept; it is both material and immaterial, and working with memory is not without its challenges.

With HAP25 we want to consider these challenges, share our learnings, celebrate our successes, and delve into the possibilities that occur at the intersections of history and archives. We seek to examine how we understand and work with memory, considering questions like: How are memory, storytelling and remembrance felt and practiced? How do we decide what memories to collect, and whose stories to tell? And how can we imagine new, expansive and intersectional ways of working with memory within our practices?

CfP deadline: 30 September 11:45PM

The full CfP and information about participant bursaries can be viewed at: https://www.history.ac.uk/events/cfp-hap25

If you have any questions at all, please email: research@nationalarchives.gov.uk