CALL FOR PAPERS: Guidelines for Documentary Heritage at Risk

About the Project: Guidelines for Documentary Heritage at Risk

Many cases of neglecting and damaging Documentary Heritage have been made despite an effort to preserve and use it. It does not mean material damage. This means the channel exploring the era's memory and culture is shutting down.

Unfortunately, no single perfect plan fits all circumstances. Much has yet to be done to preserve documentary heritage for future generations. We have to prepare for each situation in advance to minimize damage.

The Project: Guidelines for Documentary Heritage at Risk, launched in 2022, is collaborative. It aims to provide practical advice from on-site experiences and share insightful case presentations from international organizations and memory institutions, recognizing the invaluable contributions of each participant.

* The Guidelines for 2022, with contributions from 7 organizations, focused on valuable sources against natural disasters: .

This year's Guidelines will focus on measurements by material characteristics.

- Paper, Book

- Audiovisual records(Films, Tape, CD, LP, etc...)

- Photographs

- Natural material(Leaf, Wood, Stone, etc...)

- Digital format

- Others

As the medium of Documentary Heritage varies, each custodian institution needs differentiated preventive policies and plans. Therefore, this year's Guidelines aim to provide practical tips and inspiration according to the material characteristics of their inscriptions.

Qualifications for Submission

- Memory institutions/custodian institutions: Policymakers and practitioners with expertise in documentary heritage preservation and conservation.

- International organizations: Policymakers and researchers with expertise in safeguarding documentary heritage.

Submission Guidelines

- Candidates should submit an abstract in English and their resume(including full name, affiliation, and contact details) to by 28 June 2024.

- Abstracts must be less than 700 words(in Microsoft Word format) and include titles, keywords, and media/forms for their inscriptions.

- Contributions should present case studies, practical insights, and implications.

Upon acceptance of the abstract, ICDH will provide detailed submission instructions and formatting guidelines for contributions.

Important Dates

- Abstract submission deadline: 28 June 2024

- Notification of acceptance: 10-12 July 2024

- Full Contribution submission deadline: 31 August 2024

- Publication of the Guidelines: 31 October 2024 (TBC)

* Paper(contribution) submission through the e-mail is open 24/7.


- Upon acceptance of the abstract, ICDH will provide detailed submission instructions and formatting guidelines for contributions.

- ICDH will provide an honorarium for the submission of the complete contribution.

All your contributions will be published online and printed in October 2024(TBC). The ICDH website will be open to everyone, so anyone who needs help and inspiration can access and download the contributions and Guidelines for free.

Contact Information: For inquiries and submission-related questions, please contact

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