IIC Net Zero
IIC Net Zero aligns to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC): Race to Zero Partnership Campaign. As 2023 and 2024 are set to become the warmest years on record, and as the UN warns the world is heading for 3°C of climate warming, our sector must set a credible path to cutting carbon emissions.
Driven by the Joint Commitment for Climate Action in Cultural Heritage Conservation between IIC, ICCROM and ICOM-CC, this programme will support professionals in small and large institutions as well as freelancers, to build momentum to meet the goals of the 1.5°C threshold set by the Paris Agreement and help accelerate the transition to a net zero sector. It aims for the conservation field to show leadership by committing to the Net Zero pledge, setting science-based targets, taking action and reporting on the positive changes achieved.
"Every conservator, cultural heritage professional and heritage organisation - from small conservation studios to large museums - should show leadership today and commit to Net Zero"
Julian Bickersteth, IIC President
Through this short course programme IIC will support conservators and conservation professionals on their journey to Net Zero, providing insight regarding terms and meanings related to Net Zero and help with setting science-based targets and creating an action plan.
Showing leadership and commitment to climate action
Following a successful pilot phase, the self-paced course is now available on the IIC Learning platform. It aims to provide clear guidance to conservation professionals through a strategic and operational overview of environmental sustainability as it affects our sector.
This programme can be tailored to an individual’s needs and context, with a range of on-demand content that can be watched at any time combined with reading materials, case studies and more. IIC members and Fellows will also have the opportunity to take part in optional solution-focused action learning and attend online sessions, where participants can discuss their progress and share ideas. We know that time is precious, so the programme is well suited to freelancers as well as individuals working at a senior level within an institution or university alike, who wish to understand how to support their organisation or studio to reach Net Zero. While the course has no formal entry requirements it is strongly recommended that participants are already in a practicing role or leadership position that will allow them to more clearly understand and implement the areas explored during the course, and ultimately commit to Net Zero.
All IIC members have FREE online access to this course on IIC Learning until 31 March 2025. In order to receive the Net Zero certificate and logo, participants must complete the online modules, submit their action plan and sign up to the Net Zero pledge.
What is Net Zero?
Net Zero means no longer adding to the total amount of green house gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere. The main way to do this is to cut GHG emissions in the first place. While there are variations in defining net zero, the ISO Net Zero Guidelines (IWA 42:2022) definition is:
"Human-caused residual greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) are balanced by human-led removals over a specified period and within specified boundaries. Achieving this balance is a process involving emissions reductions, offsetting and innovative technologies." ISO - embracing net zero: a crucial step towards a sustainable future