IIC Congress Scholars 2024-2025
We are pleased to present the IIC Congress Scholars for 2024-2025, showcasing a diverse group of professionals committed to advancing conservation practices.
Abdelmoniem Mohammed Gomaa, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Egypt
Dr. Abdelmoniem Mohammed Gomaa is an Assistant Professor and Researcher in the Conservation Department at Fayoum University, Egypt. With a Ph.D. in antiquities restoration, he specializes in wood treatment and maintenance. His research focuses on innovative conservation techniques, including nanomaterials and cold plasma applications. Dr. Gomaa actively contributes to international conservation efforts and is a member of several prestigious organizations, enhancing the preservation of cultural heritage
Muhammad Abubakar Abdulqadir, Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria
Dr. Muhammad is a teacher and researcher at the Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria-Nigeria. He is a historical archaeologist with special interests in archaeological theory, field archaeology, heritage resources management and museum studies. Muhammad is also a student member of the IIC, and other professional organizations such as the Archaeological Association of Nigeria (AAN), West African Archaeological Association (WAAA), World Archaeological Congress (WAC), ICOMOS Nigeria, and Society for Africanist Archaeologists.Ahmad N. Abu Baker, Department of Conservation and Management of Cultural Resources, Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology, Yarmouk University, Jordan
Ahmad N. Abu-Baker is a professor of metals conservation at the Department of Conservation and Management of Cultural Resources, Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology, Yarmouk University, in Irbid-Jordan. He previously served as the Department Chairman and Faculty Vice-Dean. Ahmad has qualifications in applied chemistry (BSc), conservation and management of cultural resources (MA), and cultural materials conservation (PhD). He is keen to develop his experience in sustainability and leadership in the cultural heritage sector.Aïda Menouer, freelance painting conservator, Algeria
Trained in France and Canada, Aïda Menouer specializes in the restoration of paintings. Throughout her studies and early career, she experienced diverse working environments and unbalanced resources, which led her to focus, for her PhD in Italy, on identifying optimal equipment and partnerships to establish and sustain a conservation center with limited resources. Since 2015, she has worked as an independent conservator, participating in bilateral heritage cooperation projects in Algeria (UNDP/EU).
Alaa Ababna, Autonoma de Barcelona University, Jordon
Alejandra Lechuga Alvarez, Chief Heritage Conservator, University Museum of Contemporary Art (MUAC-UNAM)
Alejandra is Chief Conservator of the University Museum of Contemporary Art (MUAC, UNAM) in Mexico City. She completed a Bachelor's Degree in Restoration at the National School of Conservation, Restoration and Museography (ENCRyM, INAM) with a speciality in modern and contemporary art. She has a Master in Arts from the University of Warwick in International Cultural Policies and Management, with specialization in sustainability applied to the creative and cultural industries. She aims to make conservation practices in Mexico more sustainable and to research new conservation methods that work better in the region.Anjaneya Sharma, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University, India
Anjaneya Sharma is an architect & asst. prof. at FoAP, AKTU, Lucknow, India. He is a doctorate from IIT Roorkee. His research interests are landscape archaeology & material conservation. His PhD research establishes the typology of 18th century gardens of Bundelkhand. He has been part of the team conserving two such gardens near Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh in collaboration with Dharatal and ITRHD Belgium; which has built structures and miniature paintings.
Anuar Ridzuan Arshad, Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia
Bhasha Shah, Chief of the Collection, The City Palace Museum, Udaipur
Bhasha has been working as a conservator at The City Palace Museum, Udaipur, India since 2017. Taking care of a diverse museum collection, she has been managing the conservation laboratory set up within the royal palace. She has played key role in significant conservation projects of the museum collection exhibited within and outside India. She has presented at various national and international conferences as well as published conservation essays. She is Assistant Co-ordinator at the ICOM-CC Education & Training in Conservation Working Group for 2023 to 2026 triennium.
Carlos Izurieta, Freelancer heritage, Ecuador
Daniel Gyawu, Ghana Museums and Monuments Board
Daniel Gyawu is a curator at the Ghana Museums and Monuments Board, focusing on exhibition design, installation, and digital archiving. He has led significant projects, including the strategic reopening of the National Museum of Ghana and the exhibition featuring Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah. Committed to community and international engagement, Daniel is dedicated to fostering collaborations in conservation and cultural sustainability.
Glenda Maíra Silva Melo, Lacicor (Conservation science laboratory), Brazil
Glenda is a professor at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil), a textile conservator and a scientist in the field of heritage sciences working in the areas of preventive conservation of clothing collections, development of biocides with antifungal action against fungi involved in the biodeterioration of textile collections and easel paintings and study of microbial interactions involved in the deterioration of cultural heritage through adaptations in the Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH) technique.Ina Hergert, Museu Paulista of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Josefina Pichardo, Museum director, Casa Fuerte Juan Ponce de León (Ministerio de Cultura)
Lalitha Thiagarajah, Islamic Art Museums Malaysia
Linda Neruba, Curator and Conservation Education Programme lead, Uganda Museum
Lone Michelle Monagen, Curator/education, Botswana National Museum and Monuments
Mariana Valdez, Dirección Nacional de Museos, Secretaría de Cultura de la Nación Argentina
Mercedes Isabel de las Carreras, Researcher, Management Department, National Museum of Fine Arts in Buenos Aires
Mercedes I. de las Carreras graduated as Museologist in Argentina, specialized in restoration of paintings, polychromed sculpture and contemporary art. Studied abroad at I.R.P.A., Bruxelles; CECOR, Brazil and Italy. Assisted to several congresses, workshops abroad organized by AIC, IIC, Getty and others. She worked as colonial painting restorer at TAREA Foundation from 1986 till 2001. She won the national competition for chief of the Collection Management position at the National Museum of Fine Arts in Buenos Aires in 2006. Since then, she is facing several conservation challenges related to the collection management and scarce resources. Actually working at the museum on the research for new conservation strategies to save resources.
Michaela Novotna, Friends of Art in the Andes Amigos de Arte Andino, Peru
Myoungju Choie, Senior Book conservator, National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage (NRICH) South Korea
Nathalie Hanna, Beirut Museum of Art, Lebanon
Independent conservator based in Beirut, Nathalie graduated in Archaeology and in Conservation of Cultural Property. Specialising in archaeological artefacts, she has worked in museums and on archaeological sites primarily in Lebanon, Norway, and Iraq, focusing on on-site conservation and post-excavation treatments, while also training students. She has contributed to the preservation of sites, including in situ mosaic conservation projects. As President of the non-profit organisation AREFML, she oversees the conservation of medieval church frescoes in collaboration with international teams.
Omar Idtnaine, Azart Association – Agadir, Morocco
Rajeev Choudhary, Museum of Art and Photography, India
Rodah Lange, National Museums of Kenya
As a curator at the National Museums of Kenya, Rodah oversees a collection which includes; textiles, clocks, books, furniture, artwork, photos and metals. Her responsibilities include the acquisition, documentation, research, conservation, design and installation of exhibitions, community engagement and fundraising. Rodah’s professional interests include conservation, curating permanent and temporary exhibitions, community engagement, and working with young audiences. Her background is in Anthropology and is an active member of ICOM Kenya
Shanice Martin, National Museum Jamaica
Shanice Martin is the Conservation Officer at National Museum Jamaica. She has a scientist through and through with a first and second degree in Chemistry and Physics. She has been trained on the job and has received certificates in Archival Conservation and Plasterwork to repair monuments and structures. Shanice is also a prospective member of ICOMOS Jamaica Chapter.
Stephanus Le Roux, Curator and Conservation Scientist, DK conservators
Stephanus is a Senior Book Conservator at DK Conservators, working with private clients and institutions across South Africa. Specialising in leather bindings and preventative conservation, Stephanus offers workshops and guidance for library services, private collections, and galleries. His conservation training was gained through traditional internships and apprenticeships in South Africa and Switzerland, which has equipped him with a hands-on approach to preserving cultural heritage.
Terence Besaka, National Museum of Cameroon/ Ministry of Arts and Culture, Cameroon
Valentina Castillo, Conservator & Founder and Director of Restaura-Chile
Valentina Castillo Pinaud is a conservator specializing in archaeological and paleontological collections, with over nine years of experience in the field. Head of Restaura Chile private company, she advises museums on conservation protocols and collection management, ensuring the preservation of valuable heritage materials. In addition to her professional practice, Valentina is passionate about education, teaching at Universidad San Sebastián and offering training in conservation techniques in different part of Chile and Argentina. Her expertise extends to leading complex conservation projects, including the preservation of paleontological specimens, with a strong commitment to sustainable practices and knowledge transfer to new generations of conservators.Varsha Wilson, Senior Conservator, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sanghralaya (CSMVS)
The IIC Congress Scholars programme is kindly funded through Connecting Professionals/ Sharing Expertise: