Honorary Fellowhip awarded to Sarah Staniforth CBE


Julian Bickersteth presenting the Honorary Fellowship to Sarah Staniforth CBE.  (Image Courtesy of Jane Henderson)



IIC Council and the Awards and Grants committee are delighted to present Sarah Staniforth CBE, FIIC with Honorary Fellowship. 

With over 40 years in the cultural heritage field, Sarah’s diverse experience has strongly influenced the conservation community both in the UK and internationally. She has been one of the leading voices in preventive conservation, particularly in the context of historic buildings, combining conservation research with practical applications. Her energy and determination to support the next generation of conservators, and to move with the ongoing challenges in the conservation field makes Sarah an inspiring advocate for the future of cultural heritage preservation. Sarah's exceptional commitment to IIC, including as President and President Emeritus, growing and strengthening the organisation through her tireless international work have left a lasting legacy on which we are building our work today.

As the IIC family, we deeply thank Sarah for her outstanding contribution to the conservation field and congratulate her for this prestigious IIC award.

The honour of IIC Honorary Fellowship was established to recognise an outstanding contribution in the field of conservation. You can read the full list of Honorary Fellows here.